The Australian Shotcrete Society is a technical society within Engineers Australia that is comprises of industry professionals focused on the ongoing development and promotion of Shotcrete as a construction material.
The committee members below will have links to their online LinkedIn profiles.

David OliveraCommittee Member
Dr David is a Chartered Professional Engineer and Fellow Member of Engineers Australia (FIAust) with 25 years of experience in civil engineering.

Ulrike PelzCommittee Member
Ulrike is a Chartered Engineer and RPEQ, currently working for GHD as Senior Technical Director, Tunnels & Major Projects.

Dr Erik Stefan BernardAuSS Committee Chair
Dr Bernard has been chair of the AuSS since its inception in 1998. He's chaired 3 international conferences on shotcrete by the society.

Tony CooperTreasurer/Secretary
Tony Cooper has maintained a passionate curiosity about concrete for over 40 years, working in various roles and continually being amazed by its versatility and capacity.

David HockingCommittee Member
David Hocking has over 30 years construction industry experience in concrete and various technical, laboratory, quality and project management roles.

Des VlietstraCommittee Member
Des started in Underground Mining and Rock Mechanics, later specializing in concrete technology, pumping, and spraying, and now holds multiple certifications and committee roles

Dr Jurij KarlovsekCommittee Member
Dr. Jurij Karlovsek is an engineer, researcher, and educator at The University of Queensland, specializing in Geotechnical Engineering, digital infrastructure.

John KennedyCommittee Member
Over 30+ years of experience in the industry, and experience on a wide variety of projects Australia wide.

Kan SeahCommittee Member
Currently a Technical Services Manager at Jetcrete Australia, introducing shotcrete scanning technology and modernizing operations.

Ryan SalterCommittee Member
Extensive experience in the shotcrete industry through various roles in hard rock mining, and shotcrete workshops globally.